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L`Udienza, Italy, 1971
Directed by: Marco Ferrari.
Starring Enzo Lanacci, Claudio Cardinale, Ugo Tognazzi. Omni.

Synopsis of the movie
Enzo Jannaci is a bewildered Amedeo who goes to Rome to meet and speak with the Pope. But bureaucracy and strange forces are obstacles for him to fulfill his wish.


Movie review

Far from the virulence of The Feast or the viscerality of The Chronicle of Mad Love, and fortunately very far from bad jokes like The Future Is a Woman, Ferreri’s usual anarchist criticisms are presented here in a fairly simple script, without even a good dose of nonsense. In short, it’s just a poor nobody’s attempt to talk to the pope. It stretches over months and stumbles upon Deputy Tagnazzi, a falsely liberal priest (Piccoli) and a rambling prince (Gassman), who parties to the sound of Amália Rodrigues. His only breath is the love he finds in the arms of the prostitute Aiche (Cardinale).


Humble storyteller

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