Hard Target

Hard Target

Hard Target, USA, 1993
Directed by: John Woo.
Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Lance Henricksen, Yancy Butter. CIC.

Synopsis of the Movie
A longshoreman helps a lawyer find her missing father. During the investigation, they discover a group of sadists who enjoy hunting down beggars and ex-war veterans in a deadly game.


Movie review

Woo is a filmmaker who makes popular cinema find its meaning again, taking it out of the mediocre terrain of inconsequential chases – like Die Hard – to put it back on the path of great tragedy. Vam Damme is a longshoreman who uses his martial arts skills to confront an organization that promotes safaris in which the hunted are human beings. The way in which the director highlights the evil of people and environments is admirable, throwing the viewer into the center of a nightmare from the very first scene.


Hard Target, USA, 1993

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Woo is a filmmaker who makes popular cinema find its meaning again, taking it out of the mediocre terrain of inconsequential chases.

Road map 9
Photography 8
Sceneries 7
Movie Costume 9
Actors and actresses 9
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