True Romance

True Romance

True Romance, USA,1993
Directed by tone scott.
With Cristian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Walken Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Val Kilmer. Europe/ Corat.

Synopsis of the Movie
Clarence is an aficionado of Elvis Presley and comic books. He becomes involved with Alabama, a prostitute hired by Clarence’s boss as a birthday present. The two fall in love and marry, but Clarence’s attempt to get Alabama off the streets ends up with the couple ending up in possession of a suitcase full of cocaine belonging to the Mafia.

Movie review

The beginning of True Romance rambles on about the lyrics to “Like Virgin” (Madonna). True Romance, the first screenplay written by Quentin Tarantino, opens with Christian Slater saying that if he had to have sex with a man, it could only be Elvis Presle (as a thank you, the King’s spirit accompanies him throughout the film, personified by Val Kilmer). This is already a trademark of Tarantino: the “ridiculous” introduction to his films. It reveals his greatest talent: dialogue construction. With his vast cinematic culture, he knows that words have an effect on the screen. Associating cutting phrases with caricatured characters and stylized – and often comic – scenes of violence, Tarantino builds a universe with which one immediately identifies. Ontological scenes, for example, are the verbal clash between Christopher Walker and Dennis Hopper and the climax, a slaughter that does justice to John Woo’s best. The film places a love story in a bloody context, and it would be more effective, but it was caught up in director Tony Scott’s photographic obsessions.


True Romance, USA,1993

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Ontological scenes, for instance, are the verbal clash between Christopher Walker and Dennis Hopper and the climax, a slaughter that lives up to the best of John Woo.

Road map 9
Photography 8
Sceneries 9
Movie Costume 10
Actors and actresses 9
  • Dialogue construction.
  • Ontological scenes
  • photographic


Humble storyteller

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