The Year of the Comet

The Year of the Comet

The Year of the Comet, USA, 1992
Directed by: Peter Yates.
Starring Penelope Ann Miller, Tim Daly, Louis Jordan. Paris.

Synopsis of the movie
Sophisticated Maggie meets charming, surly Oliver at his father’s wine tasting cellar. Beyond their mutual antipathy, they discover they have feelings for each other. Maggie is ready to challenge the intricate world of wine and continue her father’s business.

Movie review

English director Peter Yates has already made good action and suspense films, such as Under Suspicion. But in his latest work, an adventure that mixes romantic comedy with a pinch of suspense, he was not entirely happy. Although the script is by William Goldmon (Butch Cossidy), with well-written dialog and action-packed scenes, the chemistry between Penelope (an auctioneer’s daughter, she goes to Scotland to retrieve a bottle of wine worth US$1 million) and Tim (a rich Texan who is also after the bottle) sometimes doesn’t work. Full of twists and turns and with a tangle of characters, the film is a roller coaster ride of rhythms. Nevertheless, it is still a reasonable program.


The Year of the Comet, USA, 1992

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The Year of the Comet, with well-written dialog and action-packed scenes, full of twists and turns and with a tangle of characters, the film is a roller coaster ride of rhythms.

Road map 8
Photography 8
Sceneries 8
Movie Costume 9
Actors and actresses 9
  • Full of twists and turns and with a tangle of characters.
  • sometimes doesn't work.


Curious Woman Who Loves to Read Books!

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