Beyond Theropy

Beyond Theropy

Beyond Theropy, USA , 1987
Directed by Robert Altmon.
With Julie Hagerty, Jeff Gold blum, Glenda Jackson, Tom Conti. Transvideo.

Synopsis of the Movie:
This is an insane, fast-paced romantic comedy about a bizarre dinner party between Bruce (Goldblum) and Prudence (Hagerty), and their lunatic therapists, Bruce’s jealous homosexual lover armed with guns, Stuart, and Stuart’s overprotective mother, and a whole bunch of very strange New York characters.

Movie review

Naturally, we are not talking about one of Altman’s best feature films. But it is incomprehensible the complete ill will with which this adaptation of a play was originally received, already performed in semi-exile in France, despite being set in New York…… Christopher Durand’s libretto is uncreative when it comes to psychoanalysis and sex, but the hysterical staging gives the film a sense of silliness that makes it funny. A plot to root for the unconventional relationship between psychiatrists and patients. Hagerty and Jackson are perfect.


Beyond Theropy, USA , 1987

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This is an insane, fast-paced romantic comedy about a bizarre dinner party between Bruce (Goldblum) and Prudence (Hagerty), and their lunatic therapists, Bruce's jealous homosexual lover armed with guns, Stuart, and Stuart's overprotective mother, and a whole bunch of very strange New York characters.

Road map 7
Photography 7
Sceneries 7
Movie Costume 7
Actors and actresses 10
  • Hagerty and Jackson are perfect.


    Humble storyteller

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