The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie, USA, 1988
Direction: Paul Newman.
Starring Joanne Woodward, John Malkovich, Karen Allen, James Naughton. VTI

Synopsis of the movie
Tom analyzes his relationship with his mother and sister. All were abandoned by their father 16 years ago. Tom has a job with no prospects, his mother wants the stability of the past, and he worries about the future of his daughter, who has a physical disability.

Movie review

It would be imprudent to say that this is the best film adaptation of a Tennessee Williams play. But one could say that it has learned best from the author’s own atmosphere, a middle ground between psychological realism and poetic symbolism. To present the affective collision that occurred in the shadows of four apartments during the American depression, Newman created a very special dynamic, where colors, appropriate camera movements and, above all, the sensitive level of light and shadow provide gestures and objects. meanings that go beyond the literal meaning of the text, which is beautiful in itself. A sensitive and mysterious film.


The Glass Menagerie, USA, 1988

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Tom analyzes his relationship with his mother and sister. All were abandoned by their father 16 years ago. Tom has a job with no prospects, his mother wants the stability of the past, and he worries about the future of his daughter, who has a physical disability.

Road map 9
Photography 9
Sceneries 9
Movie Costume 9
Actors and actresses 10


      Humble storyteller

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