The Miracle

The Miracle

The Miracle, Ireland, 1991
Directed by: Neil Jordan.
With Beverly D’Angelo, Danai McCann, Lorraine Pilkinglon, Niall Byrne. Globe Video.

Synopsis of the movie
A young Irish woman who lives in a small coastal town falls in love with an older, mysterious woman who has just arrived. His father, an alcoholic, condemns the friendship, as well as Rose, the boy’s best friend.

Movie review

Nei Jordan builds it subtly with an eccentric premise; a parable about the Oedipus complex. A teenage couple in a coastal town in Ireland spend their days daydreaming about the strangers they meet along the way. A young boy is fascinated by an older woman he wants to bond with. Jordan has the ability to talk about difficult cases and love, as he did again in Derayed by Desire.


The Miracle, Irlanda, 1991

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A young Irish woman who lives in a small coastal town falls in love with an older, mysterious woman who has just arrived. His father, an alcoholic, condemns the friendship, as well as Rose, the boy's best friend.Two Irish teenagers from dysfunctional homes meet up with a mysterious American woman. Experimental but emotionally grounded director Jordan creates a strange blend of mysticism and teen lust, that half-works, half-doesn't.

Road map 8
Photography 8
Sceneries 8
Movie Costume 8
Actors and actresses 9


      Curious Woman Who Loves to Read Books!

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