Amazons Attack #2 (REVIEW)

Amazons Attack #2 (REVIEW)


Looking forward to talking to you about this book!

Interesting and coherent? Yes… We can also point out that in this case, there were several characters, the incredible Yara Flor, Nubia, Foruka and Hoppy the rabbit. The villains appear at the beginning of the project, others appear later, and the mystery of their motivations makes these villains better. Veronica Cale and Eris are here.

Like the previous one, the most recent addition of #2 Amazon’s attack was pretty solid. The cause of the conflict, which leads the women to become radicalized and commit acts of terrorism in the name of the Amazons is revealed, while the police are immersed in the fight against our group of girls. The team dynamic is incredible – Yara Flor, Nubia, Foruka and even Hoppy the rabbit easily steal the spotlight. The bit with Faroka and the rabbit was interesting and funny. Hoppy and Faruka’s interactions are fun, and Yara makes everything even more fun and happy. Nubia is tormented by the ghost of Hippolyta, who laughs at her frustrations. Persecuted by the government, they return to the Amazon in search of help from the Oracle of the Forgotten. Things look more mysterious with the appearance of impaired teleporters, minions and magical powers. The art in this is incredible, especially the way the action is done. Vasco Georgiev and Alex Guimarães’ work is fantastic. This version seems to have more color.

Amazons Attack #2 Continues to be a technically well-constructed story, with great dialog, good art and a great script, bringing great vibes and smiles to the reader. And the mystery they set up with Veronica Cale, Eris and Sivana was very interesting.The ending with a kind of plot twist left me wanting more.It was the most intriguing book I’ve seen in recent months.I highly recommend it!


Amazons Attack #2 (REVIEW)

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Plots 9
Characterization 9
Artwork 10
Action 10
Writing 9
Rhythm 9
  • The action at time frenetic and exciting .
  • The story really is good.


    I love books, movies and science fiction! "And I think my cupid likes math. It just brings me problems."

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