Android, USA, 1982
Direction: Aaron Lipstadt. With Kla s Kinski, Don Opper. F.J.- Lucas.

Synopsis of the Movie

A strange doctor secretly experiments with androids on his space station. His assistant is Max, a curious android who wants to see the world and meet a girl. Criminals hide on their station and soon violence erupts.

Movie review

A typical American farce B production, much of its power lies in Kinski’s character. He is a scientist trapped on a space station trying to create a perfect human android. His only companion is one of his productions, which celebrates the terrestrial films of the 1940s (also known as noires), following the traditions of the genre. Three soldiers have suddenly arrived at the station, caused by an explosion between the walls and spaces by chance.


Android, USA, 1982

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Road map 7
Photography 7
Sceneries 6
Movie Costume 7
Actors and actresses 10


      Curious Woman Who Loves to Read Books!

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