Lasf House on the Left

Lasf House on the Left

(Lasf House on the Left, USA, 1972)
Directed by Wcs Craven. With David Hess, Lucy Graham, Sandra Cassei. Argo Video.

Synopsis of the Movie

The plot follows Mari Collingwood (Peabody), a teenager who is abducted, raped, and tortured by a family of violent fugitives led by Krug Stillo (Hess) on her seventeenth birthday. When her parents discover what happened to her, they seek vengeance against the family, who have taken shelter at their home.

Movie review

Craven won the respect of many critics in the early 1970s for his moments of terror that showed dissatisfaction with American culture, and in one of his most famous works, the director used this violence. Good taste, a full plate for the sadomasochist. Simple and brutal, it tells the story of two young people who are bullied, abused, raped and murdered in the forest. The girl’s father goes in search of revenge. And a famous greenhouse engine.


Lasf House on the Left, USA, 1972

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The plot follows Mari Collingwood (Peabody), a teenager who is abducted, raped, and tortured by a family of violent fugitives led by Krug Stillo (Hess) on her seventeenth birthday. When her parents discover what happened to her, they seek vengeance against the family, who have taken shelter at their home.

Road map 9
Photography 9
Sceneries 8
Movie Costume 8
Actors and actresses 9


      Humble storyteller

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