House of Crazies/ Asylum

House of Crazies/ Asylum

(House of Crazies/ Asylum, England, 1972)
Directed by Roy Ward Baker. With Barbara Porkins, Sylvia Syms, Richard Todd, Peter Cushing, Barry Morse, Britt Ekland, Herbert Lom, Patrick Magee, Charlotte Rampling. Globe.

Synopsis of the Movie

The Asylum (known in the US as House of Crazies) is a 1972 British fantasy drama that follows a young Dr. Martin (Robert Powell) as he arrives at an isolated psychiatric hospital for interrogation. Psychiatric hospitals house crazy people. And the operator, Dr. Rutherford (Patrick Magee), who wants to ensure that the new doctor has the courage to do the job.

Movie review

Ward Baker, one of the main directors of English Hommer, has combined four short stories by Robert Bloch (author of Psycho) into one story. The axis is the character of a psychiatrist with a lot of people who know a lot of people and a mystery to solve.


House of Crazies/ Asylum

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The Asylum (known in the US as House of Crazies) is a 1972 British fantasy drama that follows a young Dr. Martin (Robert Powell) as he arrives at an isolated psychiatric hospital for interrogation. Psychiatric hospitals house crazy people. And the operator, Dr. Rutherford (Patrick Magee), who wants to ensure that the new doctor has the courage to do the job.

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