Wonder Woman #8 (REVIEW)

Wonder Woman #8 (REVIEW)

DC COMICS · Wonder Woman #8

I didn’t mind the twist in #7 because I felt it was a break for Daniel Sampere (whose amazing artistry can’t be underestimated) to take a short break and start working on this second arc. Do you wish Diana had spent the day in other department stores and thought more about what was going on? Yes, but I’m glad Daniel Sampere is back in the main story.

The unique story fits perfectly with the character of the Sovereign and his own ideals of excellence and decorum, but I would have liked to see a smarter, more intelligent Diana interact and talk to each one. I love Diana Sovereign. I hope to experience more of your inner feelings and thoughts one day.

This isn’t a criticism of the book and the story, it’s still good, but I wish I’d seen Emelie’s story more like Sarge Steel’s story and manipulated throughout the series. Emelie’s comments and flashbacks may be coming. At times, Diana may have had contact with Lizzie before or shortly after she was born. Also, I would like to see more about the history behind Independence and the history of this group that was kept secret in America for centuries.

I thought the housewives show wasn’t a Diana fantasy, but a show where the royals tried to force her through lies and their view of women and what he wanted to reduce or destroy Diana. Regardless of what Diana thought of Steve, I can’t imagine that even under the best of circumstances, she would want to be a stay-at-home mom in the 1950s and do something stupid. I understand what Hippolyta means when she says “when you trusted me,” but the idea of Diana getting to where she needs to be by the end of the issue seems a little weak.

Everything that goes back and forth between Sovereign and Diana is powerful for me as well. Again, as before the best thing about this story is that Diana lives in a dream world where she sleeps with Steve Trevor and lives with her family, where she is questioned and discussed by royalty and abused by the Wonder Girls, who surprised Sergeant Steel with a shot, blindfolded… Diana is freed from the Bond of Lies with her mother’s help and advice and a plan to defeat the Sovereign Empire.

I’m a fan of the King. I found His Highness’s talk interesting and creative, so I attended with an open heart, and although I was not as upset as the others, I took a small risk of taking the Sovereign’s word for it. We were very strong, etc. But it’s Wonder Woman and that’s enough. We know Wonder Woman has had enough. Although there is no future, Diana still wins. As I said before I want to know more about her motivations, especially her plans for the Amazons, and what Diana thinks about it. . ) Some of this was mentioned throughout the Sovereign’s “Only children can save people” speech, but all he did this time was send a group of people (some attackers, sometimes military/government) to follow Diana’s collection. Without context, it’s just Amanda Waller. I mean, at this point, Diana seems to have hit him for a reason.

This is only the first issue of this arc, but King’s run is a better read in the collected TPB, so revisiting after this arc is over will be more interesting to me. Since the title is “Sacrifice,” I expect the stakes to be higher. I hope there will be some explanation and information about the state of the roads.

Is Yara making fun of Cassie for liking her so much? yes, I love it.
I laugh every time I see Yara Flor. I love seeing the Wonder Girls working together. King promises too much (sometimes too much), but I think it’s good for Yara. Super Sons has always been great. Maybe I’m a little biased, but I like Lizzie.

Hilariously, Lizzie’s attempt to help the Supersons resulted in several negative effects and costume changes for Jon and Damian. In addition, Lizzie is named Wonder Girl in honor of Diana (ongoing crisis), Donna, Cassie, and Yara.

It’s great to see Diana finally start to confront the Sovereign head-on and I’m always up for more interactions between Diana and Steve, with more coming in the next issue. It’s nice to see also another check-up on the Wondergirls and man, history and eccentric art love all of it!


Wonder Woman #8 (REVIEW)

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Plots 9
Characterization 9
Artwork 10
Action 9
Writing 10
Rhythm 9
  • The story really is good.


    I love books, movies and science fiction! "And I think my cupid likes math. It just brings me problems."

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